domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

A simple "thank you"

Since I am a child, I have loved adventure. Everything related to fantasy, science-fiction, etc. I have always liked. All those things have always been my entire world all my life, and without them I wouldn't have been able to survive. This world of imagination has always been everything to me and there is a person I have to thank for that. That person is my dad... because since I'm little he always gave me adventure movies like Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, and all that. I still remember I used to watch those movies like crazy, I even know the dialogues by memory and I'm not kidding... well, maybe not all of them... but a lot.

My father was the one that introduced me to that world and as such... he also meant the world to me. I've always loved him more than anyone in this planet. He has also been the person who has most damaged me... and before I could only think of being free... from him. I lived in pain, lots of it... it's hard, but I do understand he didn't mean to do all of that. I'm not with him anymore, but still I'm not free because I'm chained to the past. I'm breaking these chains bit by bit... I feel like it's endless... but I'm getting there. I forgive him for everything because above all I love him from the bottom of my heart.

The irony of it all is that I never grew out of that adventure and fantasy stuff... Here I am being 22 years old and I still like all that. Father always said I was too old for liking those things, but he wasn't one to talk... he still likes superheroes. I remember when we enjoyed watching X-Men, Spiderman, Batman... it was good times. Or when we played Marvel vs. Capcom and he always used Captain America or Spiderman and always won. That's one of the reasons why I didn't really like the Captain, 'cause he always kicked my butt with him. One day he just stopped playing with me... I accepted it, but it was kind of hard. He was a good adversary.

All this time I have thought that he had no influence on me whatsoever, but I was completely wrong. I mean, he did complain a lot about me because I have never been as he wanted to. All my values, I thought that I had learned them on my own... and most of them I did, but he taught me very important things. My father always gave me security, if I had trouble I knew that he would be there no matter what. That changed later on, but that doesn't matter. My father is the reason why I like comic books, and the reason why I'm so adventurous. I was never afraid of riding a roller coaster, he loved them and so do I because he taught me to. He's also the reason why I love martial arts, he used to practice karate a lot, I did in one moment of my life... but didn't continue with it for some stupid reason. It's funny, but I still remember when we went to Six Flags in Houston, Texas... I was so young... I wanted to ride this Batman roller coaster, but it was for bigger people... I never rode it unfortunately, I was only about 5 years old after all.

And so... I could keep writing, and writing about me and my father's adventures... but it would be too long. They're nice memories, and those I want to keep forever and let go of the dark ones. Little by little I'm letting go. I never thought that I would say this one day, but.... THANK YOU, FATHER BECAUSE I WOULDN'T BE WHO I AM IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU.

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